Moran Baillie

Empowering Women to Unlock Their Full Potential

and businesses close the leadership gap by building a robust pipeline of well-equipped women leaders

Women are underrepresented in key decision-making roles across almost all industries in the Australian workforce. Women make up half of the employees in the 2020-21 WGEA dataset (51%), but comprise only:

  • 19.4% of CEOs

  • 32.5% of key management positions

  • 33% of board members

  • 18% of board chairs.

While progress is being made to address the external barriers for women in the workplace, becoming an effective leader involves much more than being put in a leadership role, acquiring new skills, and adapting one’s style to the requirements of that role.

It involves a fundamental identity shift.

Many successful, talented and accomplished female leaders are blocked by invisible inner barriers.

I empower women to break through their inner glass ceiling, stop playing small and reach their full potential.

Accredited Transformational Leader, Coach and Facilitator

Institute for Woman-Centred Coaching, Training and Leadership